Saturday, May 22, 2010


In Term 1 we wrote recounts about our most memorable time at camp! I really wanted to get some up on the blog to share. Hope you enjoy them!  

The Kauri Walk by GORCOL

The glaring sun barely made a twinge of light in the dark damp forest. An icy cold river lay stunningly beautiful and stupendously fast flowing before us. We bravely decided to get across by a rope. Carefully we clambered across the stream, one by one clinging onto the rope. Suddenly it was my turn. My heart skipped as I dipped my feet nervously into the freezing cold water. I manoeuvred my feet into the gaps in the rocks ."Low and slow", "Low and slow" played through my mind as I crossed. With one more leap I was across! A wave of triumph swept through my body.
Sqwilch, sqwelch, sqwilch, sqwelch went our shoes as we trudged along the track!

Hula By BarAsh

I felt so excited like it was my birthday and I was opening presents! Mayala, NobJam and WalMih approached the stage. Everyone was silent like sleeping cats. NobJam said " We're going to start with Mr Preddy!" He looked around and in his head I bet he thought "Me, you mean me?" He got up onto the stage and everyone was cheering ! We started singing the hula song while Mrs Nobilo was playing the tune on her guitar. Everyone was singing  "Thats the way Mr Preddy does the hula" over and over again!

Mayala announced  that all camp parents have to come up and do the hula, but all the men did the haka like confident rugby players, while the women looked beautiful doing the hula! It was a funny and hilarious night for everybody at that one special camp!
Published By WhaAly

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