Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The big quake

As most of you  know Christchurch has been hit with another big earthquake, 6.3 magnitude but caused more damage than the original 7.1 magnitude earthquake. This is because of the depth of the earthquake the 6.3 was about 5 kilometers deep where as the original 7.1 was about 11 kilometers deep. The 6.3 has taken lives from their family members. Many people are working together to bring the Canterbury community back together. We encourage you to make a donation to Canterbury Just three dollars could help save somebody's life from the rubble of many destroyed buildings. Many names of the victims of the quake have been released to the public family's are extremely saddened by this event lots of  people have not heard from their loved ones since the quake struck many are losing faith that their family members only their body's will be recovered and not their lives as well. But we encourage everyone to have faith. Many volunteer workers have dedicated their time to help save many peoples lives I would like to thank all of you on behalf of all the country for all the hardship you all must be going through to help the community. I hope the 2 minutes silence made you realize the devastation of this earthquake. Many historic buildings it has been decided they will be torn down......... 

Pray for all those whom are still in hope for more to survive..............

Posted by GorCol               

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