We are a truely blended classroom this year, with the big move from Room 1 for half of us (including me), plus two more Year 6's who already lived in Room 3 but now have a new teacher, Year 5's from Rooms 7,8 and 9 AND four wonderful children brand new to our school.
Three weeks of school already, and three weeks of Year 6's asking me when the blog will be up and running again... the ideas for posting are just bursting out of their heads, and there is nowhere to put them! SO HERE IT IS..... the NEW blog for any children that are in my classroom. We have a new name, so your work will stay with me wherever I teach, and you can revisit the blog long after you have become successful intermediate and high school students, and adults.
What a fantastically incredible class you are shaping up to be - only 3 weeks, and already we have TEAMWORK, CO-OPERATION, KINDNESS, BEST WORK, HIGH STANDARDS, and a BUZZING learning atmosphere!
Your challenge, should you choose to accept, is to make this blog a reflection of your time in Room 3 - the highlights, the events and happenings which are important to YOU, and your LEARNING. Make it interesting. Make it exciting. Use all the skills and tools we have available (and discover more if we need them)! I will teach you, you will teach me, and each other, and TOGETHER, we will have the BEST BLOG EVER!
So..... here we go.... next week is CAMP - I am so EXCITED I can hardly sleep! Remember our discussion about CHALLENGE - what is your challenge goal for camp? Will you achieve it? Here is a picture from my challenge last week - kayaking in the dark to see the glowworms near Lake Karapiro. I was scared, but I was successful, and I LOVED it! If you look really carefully, you might even be able to see the parcel tape that fixed the big hole in the front of my kayak.