Friday, June 25, 2010

Dear Diary

I am sad, very sad because the water is polluted and very smeary.
I hope I find some fresh water, some day and not a glumpy muddy pond by the thneed store where the once-ler is making thneeds that every one everyone needs.
I will search and search for a clean pond.
I am getting very hungry and very mad because we have to walk on our very weary fins.
I am getting worried very worried because we are alone with nothing to eat and our gills are very gummed.
I found a pond that is not really smeary and not muddy.

By PedMax

Fantastic Writing!!

By DeaNas

Dear Diary,

I'm really miserable because I have to leave my home because it is filled up with
  mucky mud that the old hideous Oncler made and left.I don't know where I'll
go but I'll keep my hope's up and I hope my new home is cleaner than my old
one. I think I'll go to Lake Taupo! That's my favourite place to be because that's
 where all my mate's are and its the biggest lake in New Zealand. I hope one day
 I can return to my old home when the pond is cleaner than ever, and the sky is as
blue as Lake Taupo.

By PoiDan

Mr Big Head is a fancy man. The Year 1 children discovered Mr Big Head underground
 when they were digging in the sandpit. Usually these creatures live in the deep woods
 because they are scared of light, and land  creatures such as cows. Mr Big Head is a
 friendly man and likes to eat the children's scraps such as chips, cookies but be careful
because Mr Big Head is allergic to sushi. Mr Big Head uses his head to move large stones
 and uses his big leg and hands to dig. Mr Big Head is nocturnal so digging for so digging
for Worms

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Glenview School's 2010 World Vision 20hr Famine

Some Students at Glenview School have participated in the 20hr Famine! It was very exciting day for the lot of them!
On Friday night, some of the 20hr Famine children had a sleepover in the School Library. They were occupied with movies, books,computers and even board games!
Other children that did not paticipate had a chance to tribute a small donation to the coin trail!

OneCod was one of the kids at the sleepover!
This is what he has to say:

The sleepover was absoloutly fantastic.
We learnt about people in Zambia and how they don't have fresh water or food just like we do. It was really interesting!
But the most aching thing about the sleepover was our backs on the hard, library ground!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Daring Diary Writing

Dear diary,

I'm so sad along with all the other Humming fish.
Today's the day we leave the pond in Truffula land,
because the greedy old Onceler is too smug to care about the fog taking over the pond.
 But we must act fast for the fog is getting thicker and it is biggering, and the smoke is coming.
I'm not looking  forward to this dreary future. Oh, this very day, the first of May is so sad.
Why, oh, why does it have  to be today of all days? We're all sad and we feel very very bad.
 Why today of all days?

By LimOli
Dear Diary,

Ohhhh that day, that sad,sad day, we were happily playing in the clear flowing water,
when we attached some pipes, some big, some smaller. Out came the water that looked
like clay and the Onceler said....
"You will no longer play, starting from today. I am making
Thneeds and the Thneeds must stay. My buisness is special, more special than you.
So just go, thats all you have to do. You must leave right now, because the people must
say WOW!  Well this is my pond and if you don't get out, I'll use my special wand!" thats
what he shouted.
It was extremely cruel because he turned the pond into a stinky brown
 pool. It was horrifyingly scary and dreary and weary but mostly ERIE! But now we're
 living far, far away, where the Onceler has nothing to say. We live in a fresh clean pond
where ther is no Onceler and his special wand. But the place where we used to live was
a disgrace, and now we live in a SPECIAL CLEAN PLACE!

By PhiJes
Dear Diary,

I enjoyed living here, under the shade off the Trufflla Trees. In our Bar-ba-loot suits we
 played, then the mean old Onceler came along. He smacked, hacked and chopped
our trees down. So there was not enough Truffula fruit to go round! No crummies in my tummy!
“Oh! Help us please Lorax!”
“Tell that Onceler man, to leave our trees alone”

Wednesday 2 June..

Dear Dairy….

Us the poor Bar-ba-loot bears, the Lorax sent us off. My tummy rumbled and grumbled.
I was so angry and mad at that Onceler man, him! Where will we go? I don’t hopefully know.
So off we went. Waving, goodbye.

By HilSam
Dear diary 

I enjoyed living here under the shade of the Truffula trees. In our Bar ba - loot suits we played.,
then the mean old Onceler came along. He smacked, hacked and chopped down our trees,
so there was not enough truffula fruit to go a
around! No crummies in my tummy!

" Oh help us please Lorax! Tell the old Onceler man to leave us alone.
Us, the poor Bar- ba- loot bears were sent away.My tummy rumbled and grumbled.
I was so angry and mad at that Onceler man, him! Where will we go?  
 I don't hopefully know. So of we went waving, Goodbye.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Medieval Helmet

Medieval Helmet

by Dunhar (with a little help from Dad)
Photos by Dunhar

Last Friday we had an amazing demonstration by some medieval actors.A helmet just like the ones knights would have worn during the Crusades.
First we found pictures of a few helmets we liked and decided on one:
Dad measured my head and cut a blank of steel.

Dad has a machine called a VibroShear that makes a dome shape in the steel, but it doesn't go deep enough.

So he used a tucking fork to shrink the edge.
He put a large iron head on the stake, heated the tucks, and flattened them with a wooden mallet.
Then he used a bossing mallet and block. A block is just an old tree stump, but they have been used for hundreds of years for making armour.

A wheeling machine was used to smooth out the lumps.
More steel was cut and rolled for the front and back pieces.

The edges were stretched in the wheeling machine so they curved out.
The sharp edges of the steel were folded over on the stake.

All the parts were riveted together.

Dad drilled holes in the front part.
Finally it was cleaned with Scotchbrite and coated with Gibbs Brand Lubricant.



Every Wednesday afternoon Rooms 1,2,3,4 and 5 do options. Basically, options are when you can do lots of things like drilling, wood work, crazy painting, cool programs, loud music and artistic clay. In painting we have been doing portraits and in clay we have been making pots.
We hope you like our story.

By BarAsh and NobJam

Here are some pictures of the things we do...

Scratch work

To See Our Work Go To This Website...

Scratch is a program which you can make games or even cartoon videos! We use it to learn how to do computer programing!  On this site there are piano pieces, princess games and much more. We also work with some researchers from the Waikato University who are researching how children learn in maths on scratch, along with Room 4.

Published by MasDom and Whaaly